3 mins read

The missing ingredient for success

There are many ingredients for success: talent, creativity and insight, hard work, patience and perseverance, good luck and synchronicity, the right beliefs and attitude … Did I miss something? Oh yes, spiritual practice.

Of course, you can lose weight, become a competent doctor or an excellent lawyer, and be a decent mother or a successful athlete simply by doing (studying, training, working, etc.). But are you going to be satisfied with your success? How many people do you know who seem to have accomplished it all and are miserable at the same time: exhausted, underrated, overworked, never good enough (superficial appearances notwithstanding), never accomplished, and sometimes not even Are you sure if that’s the reason? the right thing and the right place to be. And then there are also those who seem to be doing all the right things and are not even achieving apparent success, not even in the eyes of others. Why?

The answer is because dissatisfaction goes hand in hand with an overemphasis on doing. Do you remember the famous phrase Be-Do-Have? If you omit being and jump into doing, you will never end up having (personal satisfaction, successful closure, peace and happiness). You keep doing and no matter what you achieve or produce, you feel like you need to do more because … However, if you take a step back and focus on being, you will end up having everything you want and more.

The passage of being means that you have a spiritual practice around what you do and what you would like to have. That does not mean that you become superstitious or religious fanatic. It means that you spend time in meditation, introspection, contemplation, appreciation, prayer, and gratitude. In this way, you can activate your higher brain, you can operate from your higher self, and you can receive guidance (through knowledge and intuition) simply because you feel connected to the resources of the universe and act from something greater than yourself (not because your ego wants to compensate for inferiority complexes or fears lack and separation).

Therefore, if you precede doing to being (in meditation, contemplation, prayer, and gratitude) and then act, your effort will be very successful in the following respects:

  1. You will know that you are on the right track; You will have no doubts or doubts in the process and you will not regret it later.

  2. The path will be easy and things will flow (since you will be energetically aligned with the cosmic tides of power); even difficulties will be met with grace.

  3. You will have a feeling of fulfillment every step of the way; it won’t feel like a routine run, constant stress, and ultimately no feelings of satisfaction.

Simply put, surrounding your projects with some form of spiritual practice guarantees your success and happiness not only on paper but also in your heart.

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