03 May, 2024
6 mins read

Speak an Illuminatus

An Illuminatus speaks: You will have to decide if this Illuminatus speaks with a forked tongue or not. As I see it, there is no black or white in the matter. I haven’t read much of Alan Watts, because people have always told me that I sound like him. I promise you that even if […]

9 mins read

Sharing my knowledge about Vedanta – Vasanas are residues of past actions

loka-vasana Vasanas are powerful residual tendencies from past actions of thoughts and actions from past lives and/or from the present life. As long as negative vasanas and doer-enjoyer thinking prevail, the bondage cannot be broken. Slavery is the cause of the cycle of birth and death. Vedantic texts classify vasanas (which obstruct self-knowledge) into three […]