4 mins read

6 very popular topics, politicians still avoid / oppose!

Conventional knowledge, states, usually a politician, will pay close attention to a variety of polls / polls, to remain / become popular and serve their own personal / political agenda and / or their own interests. ! However, in recent times, we have witnessed many circumstances where despite general support from the general public, for a specific issue, etc., partisan behavior continues, etc.! For a variety of reasons, this strategy seems to work, because political marketing / advertising, etc. effectively provides an alternative message, and because many voters often seem to vote against their own interests. , create this political monster! With this in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 6 specific seemingly popular topics that many politicians / public and elected officials regularly avoid.

1. Increase in the minimum wage: The minimum wage, in this nation, has not increased, in much more than a decade! Consider what it means to someone trying to exist on $ 7.25 an hour! At 40 hours per week, this means, before taxes and deductions, only $ 290 per week. Fifty-two weeks, per year, this translates to $ 15,080 per year. Almost 60% of states have their own minimum wage, higher than the national average, but more than 20 of them still align theirs with the national. Almost every poll, he indicates, raising this salary, to a more reasonable, realistic level, is widely supported, many politicians, continue, avoiding, doing anything, about it!

2. Economic stimulus: Due to the economic ramifications, stemming from the need to close and / or limit businesses, etc., during the terrible pandemic, many people are suffering dramatically from a financial perspective. Polls indicate that the vast majority of individuals and businesses support a large stimulus, but we continue to witness partisan politics. The proof of this is not one, Republican, voted, for this much needed measure!

3. Quality and Affordable Health Care: Among developed nations, the United States is the only nation where the costs of prescription drugs and health care appear to be out of control. This is another scenario, where most Americans say they want to see improvements, but politics and politicians continue to get in the way!

Four. Equal justice: Is not equality of justice, rights and freedoms a constitutional guarantee, although, as many observe, a level of systemic racism that creates a very different situation? We need to demand all of our freedoms, that they be protected, consistently, rather than simply selective!

5. Fairer and more responsible elections: The US turnout in the 2020 presidential election was among the highest in recent memory, yet we only witnessed an overall turnout of about 65%, compared to eligible voters! Rather than being happy to see this improvement in citizen participation, we are apparently witnessing a concerted effort to restrict future participation, especially among minorities!

6. Adaptation and / or elimination of the Electoral College: While most people affirm, feel and believe in the concept of one person, one vote, the impacts of the Electoral College often make certain smaller states much more influential in presidential elections. On two occasions in this century, the winner of the popular vote lost, because of the Electoral College, and, in the 2020 elections, we witnessed an effort by the then-incumbent president to question the results of the vote. , in certain states, to reverse the results, although, he lost the popular vote, by more than 7 million votes! We need to address this, either by adjusting the form, the Electoral College, function and assign, representation, or by eliminating it, and returning, only, to the popular vote!

Who do some of these politicians serve and represent, if even when the vast majority support something, they still refuse to do something, productively, toward that goal? Wake up America and demand better representation and become a more informed voter!

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