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7 Innovative Tips for Profiting from Niche Marketing

You found the niche, created your sales letter and connected your shopping cart. You sit back and wait for your “undiscovered niche” money to come in.

Every day you check your bank account and your sales number does not move an inch. It still reads zero, nothing, nothing. You pull out your credit card and buy some Google AdWords ads, but even though your website is getting traffic, it’s still not making any money.

What went wrong?

You know you’re close to a breakthrough, but you still feel like it’s a key ingredient to niche marketing success. Here are 7 simple and powerful tips to transform your niche market into a steady and growing stream of income:

1. Passion is priceless

Niche markets are filled with people who are passionate about their interest or hobby. They spend hours researching, discussing and working on their interests. This means that they can smell a “Poser” in 30 seconds. Therefore, choose niches that naturally appeal to you; that way, you can offer products and services as a resource.

2. Focus on your customers “LTV – Life Time Value”

Expert marketers understand the “Lifetime Value” of their customers. They understand that to become rich as an entrepreneur you must sell multiple items to the same customer. Remember that the first sale is just an invitation to continue offering quality products on a regular basis.

3. Be a stealthy seller

Unless you have an established history in a niche community, you’ll need to “go slow” at first. This does not mean taking a year to warm up the community. But it does mean taking the time to visit and research the forums frequented by your prospective customers.

Be sure to learn the lingo and jargon that “Niche Insiders” use to identify “true believers.” Focus on finding and recording the problems that need quality solutions. In this case, you’ll want to “stalk” before jumping.

4. Trust is the only currency

Niche marketers are smart and are extremely good at identifying and “getting out” and greedy marketers who want the “quick sale”. I suggest spending at least 30 to 60 days establishing trust with your prospects. As in a relationship, trust is built over time and by showing your genuine interest in the community.

Trust can be built by contributing to forums, offering helpful tips and ideas, submitting free reports, and writing articles that interest your new niche community. Follow this strategy and your potential customers will knock down the door to buy your products. In niche marketing patience is truly a virtue.

5. Get a sponsor

Resist the urge to become the “top dog” in your niche until you’ve built a solid foundation of support and trust (see Tip 4). Remember, there are experts in every market. And it may be in your best interest to find the “current expert” and work to form a close relationship that can be successfully used to establish profitable joint ventures.

6. Don’t throw and run

Case that “$27 eBook Tiger!” Remember that we know that people in your niche are experts. Just showing up with an “insanely powerful secret” e-book will only arouse suspicion. Trust me, your prospects know when a seller is looking for a quick sale. Before you sell your first item, plan how he will continue to deliver quality products and/or services in the long run.

7. Finding the niche is only half the battle

You have found the niche, but now this is where the work begins. Don’t fall for the quick buck crowd. While building simple pay-per-click sites will generate a short-term revenue boost, it will burn out your audience. Simply put, why would you spoil a niche with lightweight content that has taken you hours, days, or weeks to find?

So take the time to create a micro business around your niche. Your business must have a steady stream of quality products, responsive customer service, and a focus on building profitable relationships.

You’ll be ahead of the “dump and run” artists if you see your niche as a long-term investment that will pay dividends. In no time, you will find that you have earned the respect of your niche and they will reward your investment with a growing profit stream.

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