2 mins read

Do something your future self will thank you for

You know how when you book a vacation and you know how much money you need to spend on that trip, you say, “Well that’s it! I’m saving as of today, so for the next 3 months, you strictly don’t buy / Nothing drinking (well, maybe just a glass once in a while) and no crazy nights out! “(You’re not alone!)

But imagine if you had this holy “vacation account”, you’ve been saving $ 100 / $ 10 every week for the past year! Having $ 5,200 ($ 100 / week) or even $ 1,200 ($ 10 / week) on hand in this account is not bad at all, right? As the saying goes, “every little bit counts” and it’s surprisingly true!

As human beings, we unconsciously live by our values, which is basically an overwhelming desire to pursue what makes you happy; whether it’s on vacation, having a big fairytale wedding, a lifetime Zumba membership, spending more time with your loved ones, having the freedom to do whatever they want, i.e. moving house or buying your own home .

No matter where you are in your life, you have that desire to keep going through tough times and even good times. Sometimes you can work around money and make it work as a couple. But the fact of the matter is that you sacrifice one thing for another. Whether it’s an extra job you must take to pay for your dream wedding, or work overtime to pay the mortgage and keep three children at home you never see, or postpone your dream of owning your own home because every year you never reach that goal of saving enough deposit to qualify for a home loan.

If you can set your goals early today and be disciplined about it, even if you set aside as little as $ 10 a week, we know it will definitely change your life as soon as 12 months from now. Why are we so sure?

Because we did it too and it was really a step that changed the life of our lives. It can be quite overwhelming at first (just because you’ll discover money you didn’t know you had, or how much you spent on cheese?!?) But yeah, trust us on this one.

TIP: Get to work on budgeting today – it’s never too late.

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