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Epstein Barr Treatment: 7 Common Mistakes People Make When Recovering From Epstein Barr Virus

There are 7 common mistakes people make when treating the Epstein Barr virus that causes mononucleosis or glandular fever. These mistakes can delay your recovery and, in some cases, lead to secondary infections such as strep throat, pneumonia, sinus infection, or chronic fatigue syndrome. Let’s take a look at each of these errors in more detail:

Mistake 1: not resting the body

The most common mistake people make is not resting when they are first diagnosed with Epstein Barr virus. Mononucleosis symptoms can include fatigue, sore throat, swollen glands, muscle aches, headaches, nausea, and sometimes fever. Despite these debilitating symptoms, some people try and fight and keep going to work, school or college, running a home, running after their family. There is no way you will quickly and fully recover from Epstein Barr if you don’t stop and rest your body.

Mistake 2: not getting enough sleep

Continuing with this first mistake is the second mistake: not getting enough sleep. Your body specifically needs good quality sleep when it recovers from Epstein Barr. When you sleep, your body makes a hormone called growth hormone, which is your body’s repair hormone. Lack of sleep and going to bed too late (after 11 pm) will cause your body to produce less growth hormone.

To make sure you’re asleep by 11pm and getting a good night’s sleep, make sure you don’t watch TV, play the computer, drink caffeine, work, or run before bed. Get into a relaxation routine before bed. Taking a hot bath, reading quietly in bed, meditating, yoga, or enjoying chamomile tea are good ideas to try.

Mistake 3: lack of adequate water

Now the third mistake, and this is probably the most common mistake I see in my patients, is not drinking enough water to flush the Epstein Barr virus and toxins out of their body. Your goal should be to drink at least 8 glasses of fluids a day. Liquids can include plain water, herbal teas, lemon in hot water, broths, soups, and freshly squeezed vegetable juices. Your fluids should not include tea, coffee, soda, or alcohol which will simply dehydrate you and make you feel worse.

In some people with mononucleosis, the throat can become very sore and swollen, making swallowing difficult. In these cases, a warm lemon and honey tea can help soothe the throat and make drinking easier. Alternatively, sucking on ice cubes can numb the pain and cause fluids to enter your body.

Mistake 4: eating the wrong foods

One of the cheapest and easiest ways to treat Epstein Barr is with good healthy foods. How your immune system works is directly related to what you eat. If you eat all the wrong foods like sugar, white flour products, processed foods, alcohol, coffee, and excess fats, there is no way that you will recover well from mononucleosis. Your body needs the right essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, and fats to boost your immune system, reduce fatigue, and help your body cope with stress.

The best diet for treating Epstein Barr is based on good quality protein foods such as fish, organic chicken, tofu, whey protein, eggs, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Every meal should have plenty of fresh fruits and veggies – Top at least 80% of your plate with low-carb green leafy vegetables, salads, veggies, and fruits. Add to this some essential fats like fish oil, avocado, cold-pressed olive oil, or flaxseed oil, and you have a good balanced meal that will help you treat mononucleosis effectively.

Mistake 5: treating Epstein Barr virus with antibiotics

Antibiotics do not work to treat the Epstein Barr virus. Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria, not viruses. In some cases, the use of antibiotics to treat Epstein Barr can lead to skin rashes, fungal overgrowth, digestive disorders, and suppressed immunity.

Mistake 6: not taking the right supplements

One of the quickest ways to treat Epstein Barr is to add a few supplements to your regimen. I give all my mononucleosis patients vitamin A, C, E, zinc, and selenium with excellent results. The B complex and magnesium are also beneficial in helping to repair the adrenal glands, improve energy levels, and ensure a good night’s sleep.

There are also some excellent herbs for treating Epstein Barr. The best are olive leaf extract, echinacea, garlic, and astragalus. The right amounts of nutrients and herbs for you will vary depending on your age, the severity of your illness, and the amount of food you eat.

Mistake 7: resuming activities too soon

Returning to strenuous exercise or daily activities too soon is a sure way to get back to where you started. Many people begin to feel a little better and quickly return to their previous sport or job, only to find that they have a relapse and begin to feel bad again. The best advice I can give here is to take it easy. Start with a gentle walk and monitor how your body responds. Do an hour of housework or shopping and see how you feel. Maybe you go back to work or college for half a day and see how you cope. Build up slowly over a few weeks, taking time to rest your body, eat right, take your supplements, and drink plenty of water.

Epstein Barr virus is a latent virus, so once you’ve had it, it can come back if you overload your body or do too much.

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