3 mins read

Here are some things parents can do to ensure their child’s success in the classroom.

Ugh, bad behavior in the classrooms!
Disruptive behavior in classrooms is a common problem in several regions beginning with kindergarten. This information highlights a profound fact: appreciation for education begins at home. According to brain research, many children struggle in school with academic and social skills because critical pathways in the brain were not formed during the first three years of life. And language development is needed to strengthen the process of this formation. There are some things that parents can do to ensure their children’s success.

Read stories
Parents can read stories to their children with interesting characters, beautiful settings, and exciting plots. With this face-to-face time, children will listen for voice inflection and observe facial expressions with each emotion the story presents. They will learn early to make the necessary literary connections. Plus, you can help your child learn to make those necessary literary connections simply by asking questions about the story during and after reading. Who or what was the story about? Who were the main characters? Was there a problem and if so what was it? How was the problem solved? When, where and why did the main event occur? Keep your child focused on the five Ws and the H, and her understanding will skyrocket.

read poems
Parents can read rhyming poems that encourage language expression and develop listening skills for various phonemes necessary for mental manipulation of word construction. After reading two lines, ask your child for the two words that rhyme. When this practice is done frequently, your child should be able to tell you which words rhyme.

play language games
Language games at this early age will introduce the child to letter knowledge and teach him to manipulate onsets, rhymes, and the beginning and ending combinations needed to create various words. Filling your child’s world with language development opportunities ages 0-3 will ensure proper brain cell development and multiply their chances of success in the classroom.

What is myelin?
In conclusion, I was hurt when a guest speaker in a kindergarten classroom asked a student (who had no behavior control) if his mom hugged him. He frowned, shook his head, and said, “Only when she was a baby when she fed me from a bottle.” We can see that this child is associating a loving hug with being picked up to feed him and he has no other recollection of receiving a hug. Affection is essential to human maturity. Cuddling and massaging your baby creates the fatty material, myelin according to Perles (2014). “[Myelin] it coats brain cells and speeds up electrical impulses that make them work more effectively than neurons that are not coated with myelin.” Loving Moms, Dads, and Guardians: Affection, reading, and word games introduced at this young age They will prepare your child for school before school.

My twelve year old son still looks forward to bedtime stories. She is in the top 25% of her class and is reading at the high school if not early college level.

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