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Home Safety Modifications for Seniors

Home modifications are a fairly new concept that has emerged along with the incarnation of seniors choosing to stay living in their homes instead of moving to assisted living facilities and nursing homes. Due to the limitations that naturally occur as we age, changes are necessary to meet the needs and keep security at a higher level. Home modifications can range from replacing cabinet knobs to bathroom remodels that include barrier-free soaking tubs.

Seniors need home modifications to age in place. They promote maintaining independence in the lives of seniors while keeping them safe. It is important to recognize that eighty-five percent of older people want to stay at home and are doing so. Of that eighty-five percent, only a small percentage are equipped with accommodations that will allow them maximum security.

Homes with no old modifications in place become more difficult for seniors to maintain and live in. It has been proven that a home that is perfectly safe and allows independent living at sixty-five does not necessarily suit the needs of a seventy-year-old. It has been proven that simple home modifications can eliminate up to fifty percent of accidents that happen to seniors aging on the spot.

The most common accident that occurs within the home for the elderly is a fall. There are many home modifications that can be done to prevent accidental falls. Many on-site age specialists will come to the home and do a free home analysis of problem areas. Armed with this information, homeowners can budget for arrangements to fit their needs as they begin the aging process. If your goal is to age at home and you want to live as independently as possible, starting early to make simple changes will ease the financial and emotional burdens that can occur.

Below is an example of a kitchen and bathroom space survey within a home. With this big picture, it’s easy to see how home modifications are necessary to safely age in place.

It is important to make cabinet knobs easy to open. As people age, they often begin to lose strength and the ability to handle doorknobs that need to be turned or are difficult to open.

All range controls should be marked in bold letters and easy to use. It is important that there are lights on the stove that indicate when the stove is on and the top of the stove is hot. This is important to prevent the stove from being left on or placing a hand on the stove while it is still on.

Faucets should have levers instead of rotary knobs. This will make it easier to turn them on and off.

Grab bars should be placed in spaces such as bathtub and toilet areas. It is also important to assess the area around the toilet and the toilet itself. Older people begin to have more difficulty getting down and up. Grab bars and tall toilet helpers can solve this problem.

Furnaces are also another concern. They are usually heavy and difficult to open. This is something to investigate. A convection oven can be purchased to help with this problem.

A place to sit while working in the kitchen is necessary. The aging process has a strange effect on joints and the ability to stand for long periods of time. Dicing celery and carrots is made simple with a seated work area. The risk of falling or slipping when using a knife is significantly decreased.

The bathtub and shower are a big concern. A barrier-free shower entry is an incredibly nice feature to install. Bathroom remodels are a common renovation for homeowners. A little forward thinking can save a lot of money down the line.

The temperature of the water must be regulated to avoid burning. This is something that is simple and does not require any renovation.

Items that are used regularly, such as shampoo and dish soap, should be within easy reach. Reaching too far can cause falls. It is important that everyday items are within easy reach.

Home modifications can improve the lives of people aging in place. Safety is, of course, the main concern, however, a skilled on-site contractor can combine safety and aesthetics when making home modifications.

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