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INCREASE your virtual presentations

  1. keep it sharp: If ever there was a place for a succinct approach and a clear message, this is it. As a virtual presenter, you’re fighting a format that invites distractions. Don’t give your audience any extra reasons to tune out, such as taking your time getting to your points. Organize your presentation with the key findings or conclusions at the beginning. That way, you won’t keep your audience guessing what’s in it for them.
  2. Don’t make your audience work: No one wants to read along with your presentation. That’s true whether you’re presenting in person or virtually, but it’s especially galling for a remote audience. clean text and to show your audience your key points with images whenever possible. It will help your audience to keep up with you and avoid losing interest.
  3. Pay attention to voice and appearance: The inflection, rhythm, and tone of your voice are crucial to connecting with your virtual audience, especially when your audience can’t see you at all. Don’t get so tied to your script that your delivery suffers and becomes flat or rote. If YOU sound boring, your audience has little hope of sticking with you. At the same time, make sure you see what your audience sees. Clear clutter behind you, pay attention to lighting, and keep your computer camera at eye level to avoid the “head down” look.
  4. Pay attention to the content: Virtual presentations are not the place for extreme details and deep dives into the subject. It is best at higher overviews, goal setting, and broader themes. Review your content to see what you can improve, what you can remove or deliver in a different format, and how you can retain your audience’s attention.
  5. Be realistic: Be brief, whenever possible. It’s easy for your audience to tune out, misinterpret, or simply remain silent in virtual formats. Don’t test your attention span by diving too deep or talking too long. Set clear goals, deliver in concise terms, and offer follow-ups and alternatives to keep communication open.

You don’t have to accept low expectations for your virtual communications. You simply need to understand the strengths (and weaknesses) of the virtual format you have chosen. Make sure all of your presentations make the best use of that format by understanding how your audience best receives that information when you’re not standing in front of them. By compensating for “seeing” your audience, you CAN ensure they stay engaged and interested, even while you’re “remote.”

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