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Lots of tips to stay young and healthy after sixty

Without a doubt, all people will grow old one day. But what if it happens in the late thirties or even earlier? Yes, we often look older than our age and there are many reasons behind this. But, if we pay attention to this issue at the right time, we can lengthen our youth. Yes, we can stay active and healthy even after sixty, if we start planning right now.

Causes of increased aging symptoms

Until you realize certain events that age us, or rather, that kill our youth, you cannot block your youth. But can we eliminate the culprits from our body? Of course not; our physics is designed in such a way that it will eventually age. But overall, it’s a very slow process, and surprisingly, we unknowingly sped it up in a number of ways. So if we know and eliminate these reasons, we will surely succeed in prolonging our youth. Remember, it is not easy as it sounds, it takes great determination and a lot of practice.

Change your lifestyle

Let’s talk about the first thing first. Most of the people today have changed their lifestyle and their daily routine and the change is largely against our health. Junk food, waking up late at night, smoking, drinking alcohol, avoiding fresh vegetables, fruits and water, using various harmful cosmetics, and other similar activities are increasing risks to our health. So our main task is to control ourselves and start practicing a healthy lifestyle. Here are some essential points to follow.

Eat well

Food is the main substance that strengthens our health. Therefore, we must pay enough attention to our eating habit. I’m not saying you have to eat only juices and soups; but you can still take all your delicious dishes with you. The only thing is that you have to be aware of maintaining the balance between calories, vitamins, minerals and other essential substances. To make it easier for lay people, I have divided the food into three basic categories: white, green and orange / red food. Although almost all types of food have most of the essential substances, we mainly say that white foods provide us with calories, green foods provide us with energy and minerals, and orange / red foods increase our immunity and freshness. We should take a maximum of 50% white food, 30% green food and 20% orange / red food. There will be no discussion in the case of fat and you should not exceed the limit of 50 grams of unsaturated fat per day.

Drink a lot

Almost 80% of our body weight is nothing more than water and water plays a vital role in every chemical reaction that takes place in our body, either directly or partially. So if we don’t drink enough water, we can’t stay healthy, although often our body handles it and we remain unknown about the instant effect. We must drink at least 3 liters of water every day to eliminate toxins from our body and keep our organs alive, as well as our skin and hair.

Sufficient rest and full sleep

We are living beings and not robots, so we need to rest to recharge our body with energy and recover losses. However, today, all people are anxious to earn more and satisfy their endless desires and demands. But all people, both men and women, need at least 7 to 8 hours of full sleep at night and 15 to 30 minutes of rest after each meal. Otherwise, you will face various health hazards and lose the glow of youth.

Regular exercise and meditation

Exercise doesn’t always mean joining a gym and doing heavy workouts. It is enough to do some freehand exercises or walk 2 miles every day, preferably in the morning. But remember, you must be dedicated to your health and you will not count on walking or running to catch the bus or train. Meditation for 10 to 15 minutes in the morning is enough to energize and purify your body and soul to keep you calm throughout the day; But it should certainly be done after proper training.

Professional life versus personal life

It is one of the most important points for every professional. If you don’t know how or when to take a break from work for the day, you should consult your senior or psychologist, who can help you find your way. At the same time, never bring homework to do. Enjoy your family life properly, which will help both you and your family to maintain a healthy and peaceful relationship and create an atmosphere full of energy.

Laugh out loud

Yes, there is no better medicine than to laugh. If you laugh out loud every day, most diseases will stay away from you and you will accumulate enormous positive energy. It is very helpful to keep your heart strong and healthy throughout life. It will increase the blood flow in our body and we will instantly feel refreshed and encouraged.

No addiction

Any addiction, from tea, coffee to smoking or drinking alcohol, will kill you quietly and you may not be able to recognize the adverse effects until your late 40s. Therefore, you should stay away from all addictions. However, a cup or two of tea or coffee a day or even about 120 ml of wine once or twice a month is fine.

Without self-medication

Today, self-medication has increased remarkably. But you must remember that your doctor knows your body better than you do. Often times, some medications can give you instant relief from some problems, but they can have other side effects on your body. For the most part, self-medication increases complications and therefore we must strictly avoid it.

No chemical cosmetics

Nature has blessed us with all the elements to keep us beautiful and we don’t need to apply any chemicals externally. Using harmful chemicals can make us look a little better for a while; But avoiding them will prolong our natural shine. These chemicals can often leave a permanent mark on our skin. Still, if you want to use any cosmetics, you should use only high-quality herbal products.

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