29 Apr, 2024

Latest News

3 mins read

The Best Funniest Joke According To Research

Best Funniest Joke According To Research The world’s funniest joke has been unveiled by scientists after a year-long global search using the largest ever study of humor. Thousands of people from 70 countries submitted jokes to the online LaughLab experiment, which asked participants to judge 40,000 jokes and rate them. The team at University of […]
3 mins read

What is the typical lifespan of products utilizing rigid flex boards?

products utilizing rigid flex boards Rigid flex boards offer the best of both worlds, with the rigidity of traditional PCBs and adaptability of flexible circuitry. This unique combination of characteristics makes them ideal for a wide range of applications, including medical devices, aerospace and defense equipment, industrial automation systems, and automotive electronics. In addition to […]

Features and Events

4 mins read

Shocking movie interviews

My bread and butter as a cameraman (especially a Chicago cameraman) is filming interviews and testimonials. I’ve filmed hundreds of such interviews, worked with other videographers organizing interviews, and seen many more video interviews all over the web. During this time I have learned some important keys to make a good and attractive interview. First […]

4 mins read

Benefits of games for children

A study associating playing video games with enhanced laparoscopic surgery is the tip of the iceberg on the hot topic of the positive effects of video games. According to Mitchell Wade, co-author of The Kids are Alright: How the Gamer Generation is Changing the Workplace, “When you see studies that show surgeons or pilots improve […]