3 mins read

Photographers: It’s time to use your words through storytelling

When I say photographers and use your words, it may seem like a strange combination of terms. It is a well known fact that photography itself is a way of expressing yourself. So why would a photographer need to resort to words?

The other fact that we all know is the intense competition in the business markets. If you want to build a photography business that will grow, you need innovation. And using your words to tell your story is the current innovation.

There is no doubt that you can have the skills and access to the best cameras and resources on the market. But hundreds of other photographers can say the same thing.
So what makes you different?

It is your story that will set you apart. And yes, you can tell your story through the images you capture, but words can add a new side to your visual story. It makes you engage with your target audience and makes it clear what you are trying to represent through your images.

Musician Amanda Palmer is a good example. Although Amanda is not a photographer, she is also a creative that requires clarity and direction in her words. The story she chose to use gave herself an avenue to say why she was an artist to take seriously.

In an attempt to launch his music album from scratch on his own, he needed money and a lot of it. The band was doing well until they required funds to finish production. Having left an expensive label behind, they turned to fundraising platform ‘Kickstarter’ for help. Within a month, he had raised $1.2 million through simple words like “This is the future of music” and “I love you.” – Amanda’s Ted Talk

Why tell stories?

Stories have been a connecting tool for humans for decades. We know the people in front of us because we know their stories. So why can’t companies do the same?

Content has become the basic marketing tool. However, we must self-publish content that is, above all else, meaningful. Customers will buy your ideas through your choice of vocabulary. Customers are not just looking to buy products or services; they look for conversations, narrations of the “how”.

Social media has allowed customers to become more opinionated and expressive about what they want. This is the perfect opportunity for employers to talk to them and identify their demands.

As a photographer, you will make your audience more curious about your work if you tell your story. The audience doesn’t just need generic content; they want vivid, meaningful words that they can relate to. And what better way to do it than by telling stories.

“Talk about the adventure not just the final destination”

There is undeniable power in a good story. Imagine that you can win the hearts of people through your words, that story will become the one associated with your brand; ultimately adding to your brand awareness. There are so many examples of historical brand stories. Consider Levi’s. Could you become one of these legendary industry leaders?

The next time you capture a photograph, tell the story behind it. The words you say will make the story within your image that much stronger. Perhaps your audience needs that extra push to appreciate your work, a connection to the mind behind the image. – Could your story be that?

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