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Sniper games for PC

Do you enjoy sniper games? It’s okay to admit, you are among friends here. You will see that sniper games are one of the little secrets of the players. Society tells you that being a sniper is a dirty and underhanded way of behaving in battle, but on the battlefield anything goes. You do what needs to be done to be successful and if that means lying in wait to ambush your enemy, so be it.

In online games, players dislike sniping tactics, claiming that “camping”, as it is often called, is somehow unfair. It is surely up to an individual player how they choose to play a game or fight a war. Modern battlefield games are almost exclusively aimed at small squad tactics and this is fine where possible. It’s just that small unit tactics should also extend to sniper and spotter teams and not just a 4-8 man squad; with a thug carrying a squad support machine gun. No, let’s do things a little delicately.

From the phrase “One shot. One death”. It became popular that some gamers have been drawn to games that give them the opportunity to emulate this philosophy on a virtual battlefield. This is in stark contrast to historic battlefields like Vietnam, where the estimated number of rounds fired per enemy killed runs into the many thousands. No, that is not our way. Our path requires patience and precision, not spending enough brass to remake the Liberty Bell.

Fortunately, game designers are beginning to appreciate the sniper world. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to have an NPC watcher that doesn’t get spotted or killed and doesn’t turn aimlessly on auto as soon as they spot you. One of the PC games to be released later this year that should put these recent teasers into action is Sniper: Ghost Warrior. It promises true bullet physics and much more. I almost feel the need to reach for my ghillie suit and camp to await its release … almost!

2010 could signal the advent of a new kind of military game for PC and other platforms. It all depends on the success or failure of this new game. If it is a resounding success, no doubt other game design houses will make their own releases in time and the world of sniper games for PC will flourish. Let’s hope so.

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