2 mins read

The “Hope and Prayer” Network Marketing Formula

Most people in this industry use the “hope and pray formula.” That means…

* Most people just put up a website and HOPE for sales.

*Most people assume and PRAY that the rest of the world wants what you have to sell, and will buy it the moment they see it. (…Just this time!)

* Most people have heard of those OTHER PEOPLE who have won real money online, they think they are just LUCK and hope they can get lucky too.

Unfortunately, most people never find the success they hope and pray for.

ON THE OTHER HAND…other people realize that…

If you could plant a seed for an apple tree, would you expect apples to sprout on the first day?

Of course not, right?

You know that the seed has to sprout, the tree has to grow, and then the tree bears some fruit.

Your business is like an apple tree. You have to plant the seeds of the promotion, let them germinate, allow the tree to grow, and then you can harvest the tree for the fruits (your earnings).

So, let’s start by planting some seeds…

Now, does this mean you should start emailing your brother, your sister, your high school teacher, your best friend, and your grandmother?

Hell no!

Anyone who tells you to do that is really leading you down the wrong path. If you start pestering people who aren’t interested in building a business, you’ll soon end up in the NFL club: “There are no friends left!”

Instead…promote the people who already know what residual income means, the people who are already involved.

And remember that it takes skills and it takes PATIENCE.

Wishing and praying for things to happen without any action on your part will get you nowhere.
Building a business takes work, even the name says so: Network Marketing.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you.

Instant gratification must be out of your vocabulary if you truly want to own your life!

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