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Types of bathtub materials: advantages and disadvantages

So you have chosen the type of bathtub you want to install, now it is time to choose the material your new bathtub will be made of. Every bathtub has its good and bad points and certain bathtubs are only made from particular materials. For example, you won’t find an air tub on the market made of metal or cast iron.

Cast iron bathtubs are very strong and durable, they are usually going to be covered with a porcelain coating. The bathtub is probably the most durable bathtub installed in homes and can be used for decades if properly cared for. They are easy to clean, but you don’t want to use harsh techniques that will scrub or scratch the surface. These tubs are usually quite heavy and need a good support structure to support them.

Enameled steel tubs resemble cast iron tubs, but are lighter in weight. They are easy to clean and because they are not as heavy, you can put them in a new bathroom more easily than cast iron. They should be cared for like cast iron tubs so as not to scratch or expose the underlying metal. If metal is exposed for any of the tubs, it can lead to rust.

Acrylic bathtubs consist of plastic and another material. It has a high gloss that resembles cast iron tub and enamel on steel tub, but is lighter than either tub. It scratches more easily but at the same time it is easier to repair. These tubs are easy to mold, which makes them popular with hot tubs and air tubs because they come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and types.

Fiberglass gel-lined bathtubs are made of fiberglass plastic and covered with a gel liner. Air tubs and whirlpool tubs are often made this way because they are easily shaped. They provide shiny, smooth and easy-to-clean surfaces and finishes. This is not as durable as acrylic and can scratch or even crack if hit hard enough.

Composite bathtubs are made from materials designed from composite materials that create the back of the bathtub. The surfaces are enameled. The idea is that they have the benefits of your cast iron tub but without the weight of a cast iron tub. This means that you do not have to support the same weight. There have been reports of cracks in these tubs, so check with a plumber before using this type of material.

Cultured marble bathtubs use crushed marble and resins to create a solid surface. It looks a lot like quartz. They are usually covered with a clear gel coat and provide a strong, easy-to-clean, stain-fighting surface. They are easy to mold.

The material is brittle and does not forgive a poor installation or excessive tightening of the faucet and pipes. Cracks are rarely repairable and scratches can be polished out. The main issue with these tubs is the long term durability associated with them. They just don’t stand the test of time as well.

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