2 mins read

What to cheat on PotBS?

If there is a direct way to maximize a character’s rank, then there is a way around it. This is a prayer that stays true to all games. Each player strives to get everything they want, some succeed and others fail, while some decide to rise above the rest.

These players enjoy all sorts of perks they get from exploiting and cheating, they rank up faster, facilitate gold doubloons, and win the majority of PvP encounters. How do they do that? They just went to the right place on the internet and they learn. Where is the place? Let’s find out.

These are just a few brief examples of what the members of Strategy Freaks have learned and discussed. After tackling NPC combat, you will always find yourself losing a lot of crew. There is a complicated way to solve that, using the right combination of running pattern and some specific skills. You will be able to separate the captain of the ship from the rest of the crew and kill him without suffering too many losses.

Now that was an example of using a skill glitch to your advantage, let’s take a look at something more elegant. If you are tired of long haul cruising, there is a program that Strategy Freaks members have been using for a long time. This program can record the movement of your ship and repeat the long distance cruise for you. Visit this link for more information:

It’s not over yet, there are more game-breaking discussions right now. You can also participate in these discussions. Imagine all the profit you can get from them. The size of the economy in Pirates of the Burning Sea is growing rapidly. Better to start mining it early and gain an initiative advantage while the servers are still young.

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