4 mins read

Better butt means better back – The "King of the golf swing" Buttocks

During the golf swing, the most important multi-function muscle is the butt. There I said it. For some, it can be crude. But the butt is one of the most underused and underrated muscle groups. Let me explain, most people, unless they’re on the PGA tour, sitting at a desk, working Monday through Friday. Sitting for prolonged periods tends to be the biggest culprit for human performance dysfunction both in the gym and on the field. Most recreational players (and some professionals for that matter) will have weak hip flexors, weak hamstrings, weak glutes, weak paraspinals, and a weak prolonged shoulder complex from sitting too long. So where does this leave us? Well, let’s start with the butt. This entire muscle group is vital in helping the player maintain lower body stability throughout the swing. It also plays an important role in maintaining core stability throughout the swing. It is this group of muscles that helps to combine the movement of the lower body with the movements of the upper body, through the central part of the body. So if your butt is weak, it will tend to overcompensate in the shoulder complex, or in the lower back, or in the knee, etc. Simply put, having this muscle group functioning at its optimal levels is of the utmost importance for a consistent, repeatable swing and injury-free play.

The buttocks are mainly made up of two main components; Gluteus maximus and gluteus medius

Both muscle groups play an important role in both power development and swing consistency. Both muscle groups must work in unison to develop optimal swing mechanics.

The following exercises are some of the best exercises to build strength and power in the glutes and surrounding muscles.

The sumo deadlift with kettlebells

Take a wide stance. Squat down and grab the kettlebell. Grip the handle inside your knees, 12 to 18 “apart. Drop your hips lower than your shoulders. Start with the bell between your legs. Focus forward, draw your belly button in. Keep your back arched and tense.

Remember to squeeze your glutes. Lift with your legs, squat down. Stand fully upright; push your hips by squeezing your butt. Do not rush the reps, this is a slow exercise, focus on the tension of the whole body, regroup and establish a good starting position for each repetition.

Glute Ham Lift

For this exercise, you will need a Glute Ham Developer, which looks like a Roman chair or a back extension. Begin by adjusting the distance between the thigh pad and the heel pad. You will need to position the heel pad so that the thigh pad is in the middle of your thigh or slightly closer to your knee when your heels are on the heel pads. Begin by hanging from the support in a position similar to a back extension. Begin the movement by contracting your lower back to lift your torso, while approaching full back and hip extension, begin to bend your knees and contract your hamstrings (rear thigh). You will continue to bend your knees until your upper body is nearly vertical and your knees are at a 60-80 degree angle. Lower to the original position.

The kettlebell swing

Posture should be at shoulder height. Squat down and grasp the handle with both hands. As you squat, remember to rotate your hips keeping your shins relatively vertical, you should feel a slight stretch in your hamstrings. Swing the kettlebell between your legs vigorously as if you were walking with a soccer ball. Explosively move your hips forward and straighten your legs.

Stability ball bridge

Begin by lying on your back with your shoulders and head on top of a stability ball; feet on the ground, hip-width apart for stability

Squeezing from the glutes, lift the hips until there is a straight line through the knees, hips, and shoulders. Don’t lift your hips too high or widen your ribs so that your back is overextended. Hold for 30 seconds and lower.

Try these exercises in hopes of developing rock solid glutes! These exercises are sure to create a more stable bottom platform and improve core function. Be sure to visit http://www.back9strength.com and sign up for our free newsletter, or better yet, get a copy of Back 9 Strength: The Ultimate Golf Fitness Rolodex on sale now, for tons of information on strength, exercises of flexibility and power for golf.

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