5 mins read

Can’t you fall asleep? Here are 5 ways to help keep those eyes closed at night

Get out of bed

Okay, and enjoy a delicious dessert in the fridge, right? No. If your mind is spinning with ideas like mine, sometimes it’s better to just get out of that comfortable duvet and write those thoughts down. Whether it’s a to-do list for the next day, things you forgot, ideas about art or writing, or even how that barista didn’t give you enough change, write it down! Putting those thoughts on paper helps your mind push them out so you don’t have to stand there thinking over and over again hoping those epiphanies will still be there in the morning.

Don’t you want to get out of bed? Then pick up your cell phone!

We don’t pay an infuriating amount of money these days for smartphones to use just for texting and emojis. You can use different applications, such as reminders, notes, and a calendar, which are usually built into the phone when you buy it. So when you feel like it’s too cold or too comfortable to get out of bed, reach for your phone and type or even speak it with your phone’s browser like Siri.

Take a bath

I know that often when I’m stressed and overwhelmed, I just need a way to calm down, and a nice hot, bubbly bath is a good way to do that. Your mind may just need a break. If it is not imperative that you remember it for the next day, take a shower. Using different oils or bath products that contain lavender or sage can help calm your mind. According to an article in The Huffington Post, “Relaxing in a hot tub slowly raises your body temperature. When you jump back into a cooler state, your brain releases melatonin, which triggers bedtime.” Personally, I never see a negative in taking a relaxing bath, just don’t fall asleep in it!

Noise is not always bad

Although I do not approve of having a TV in the bedroom, sometimes a little low volume noise is what you need to help you fall asleep. I know for myself, pure silence allows that voice in my head to get louder when it has something to say. I’ve found that playing soothing music can disrupt lingering thoughts. You can use phone apps, like Pandora, to find a station that suits your taste for relaxation, as well as any relaxing CDs you may have lying around. If all else fails and the only thing that has a bit of noise is a TV in your room, turn it on and plug in a station you’d rather sleep on than watch, and make sure the volume is low. Sometimes all it takes is a little noise to keep the mind from overthinking.


This is my destiny when all else fails and honestly the one I use the most for myself. There are many different forms of meditations that are useful for a multitude of things. As much as I’d love to delve into all of its benefits, for now, we’ll stick with it to help you get to sleep. It may not happen the first time you try this, but don’t let that stop you, it’s just a matter of letting your mind go, which isn’t always simple. First, inhale and exhale long and deeply; I’m talking about letting your stomach go up and down the type of breaths. Focus on those breaths as you inhale and exhale. Don’t let your mind go anywhere else. If those initial thoughts start trying to crawl back, just mentally acknowledge them and let them float while you focus on your breathing. Although, of course, your eyes are closed, try to bring the vision of your mind to the center, right between both eyes. I often see a dim light and something circular there at first. Concentrate there while you breathe. Don’t think about it too much, but try to focus there. Any pictures you can see or words you can hear, just let them do their thing, no matter how out of the ordinary it may be. Don’t try to think too much of anything or get hooked on one of the random thoughts or images that pass by to analyze what it means. Just calmly “watch” them until you fall asleep peacefully. Like I said, this may take a few tries, even for me. Sometimes my mind is on a mission to keep me wide awake and I have to start over in my meditation until I actually let it go. However, the more you do it, the easier it will become.

I hope this helps! What are the natural ways to help you fall asleep?

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