2 mins read

Improve your productivity when focus is optimized Operating in short bursts

If you’ve ever dealt with situations where you might lose focus on a project or task, a business partner or even a good friend may have said that you should try working in short bursts instead of completing your work or project. in one go. Even if he thinks this concept is strange, it’s not necessarily a bad recommendation. There are three main advantages to working in short bursts.

1. You will be less tempted by distractions

When you work in short segments, you are less tempted by interruptions. When you recognize that you can delay dealing with interrupts or even ignore or at least just review the interrupt in a few minutes, you lose the need to check it immediately and then complete the task more efficiently.

2. You can better plan your work

When you work in short bursts, you can plan what you intend to do with each of your 15- or 20-minute work sessions. Since you can get a lot of work done in one segment, planning for these short bursts of work makes it less of a hassle to decide what to do. It focuses you on concentrating on the essentials. It also helps because planning a 20-minute work session seems a lot less serious than planning a full day, so you won’t feel stressed choosing what to spend your time working on during each little burst.

3. You will be much more concentrated and your mind will be clear

A research study shows that the human mind can only fully concentrate for about 20 minutes at a time or interval between a short break. This fact implies that you are fighting or even overloading your mind when you try to concentrate for longer. When you take regular breaks from your work, like the ones outlined in the brief work approach, your mind will get the rest it needs between tasks. Therefore, every time you start a new flurry of tasks, you are sure to start with a fresh mind that can stay focused throughout the project.

No matter exactly how you look at it, working in short work sessions is really the way to go. It will allow you to be less off track, more focused, more focused while you work, and you won’t be as exhausted. So when someone recommends the short burst method to you, listen to that person seriously and consider applying this strategy to your next project.

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