3 mins read

Keep track of what you eat to lose belly fat

Today I am going to teach you one of the most important things about losing belly fat. It is keeping track of the food you eat. Keeping track of the food you eat is a very important factor in reducing the size of your intestine. Without a record of the foods you eat, you won’t know what’s working, you’ll be confused as to which foods help or hurt, and as a result, you’ll likely give up and end up with a bigger stomach than you have. .

By keeping track of what you eat, you’ll know exactly what foods work for you. You will know with 100% accuracy that when you eat this food for dinner, it will help shrink your gut and you will know which foods to avoid.

According to a study conducted by Kaiser Permanente, they found that people who kept daily records of the food they ate DOUBLED their weight loss. When you know what foods you’re eating, you’re more likely to eat fewer calories. Sharing your food diary has also been shown to help with weight loss.

Studies have shown that those who are more outgoing about their weight loss goals are more likely to stick to those plans than those who don’t. So it never hurts to have the support of those around you.

So what is the best way to keep track? Well, if you have a smartphone, there are tons of apps to choose from. If you have an iPhone I recommend the Loseit app and if you have an Android, Windows or Blackberry phone I recommend a call My Fitness Pal.

Now these apps will also give you suggestions on how many calories you should be eating, but just ignore them for now and just use them as a diary. To enter foods, you can simply scan the barcode on your food, which will automatically appear in your diary, or you can manually enter foods from the nutrition label on your food.

If you don’t have a smartphone, just get a diary and start recording exactly what you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Record what time you eat too. Put the food in your journal right after you finish it. Keep it very detailed and don’t skip entering anything.

Even if you have unhealthy foods, write them down. You want a complete food catalog of everything you eat. If you are doing this correctly, you will notice that it will be easier to record your food and you will notice that the quality of the food you eat will be healthier.

Remember that keeping track will help you lose more belly fat, and if you don’t keep track, you may end up with a bigger belly. Here’s what you need to do RIGHT NOW to ensure you lose belly fat. Go download one of those apps I mentioned earlier or find an unused notebook around your house, if you don’t have one go to the store and buy a cheap notebook.

You are going to write today’s date and you are going to record everything you ate today. Divide it by food: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks. Starting tomorrow, I want you to log every meal you have right after you finish it. You do this for 30 days and it will become automatic.

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