1 min read

Pesticide Free Zone? Maybe not!

Many people have worked very hard to eliminate synthetic chemicals from their homes. They use organic cleaners, eat organic food, and wear clothing made from natural fibers that have been organically raised. They mistakenly believe that this means they have a pesticide-free home. It is not like this.

Pesticides, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), kill something. That means disinfectants, fungicides, germ killers of all kinds, as well as the more familiar insecticides, are all pesticides. If it has an EPA registration number, it is a pesticide. Not all pesticides are bad. We would not have the food that we have and the standard of living, or the life expectancy that we enjoy without them.

For example, aflatoxin is a fungus that infects corn grown during drought conditions. It causes hallucinations and sometimes death in mammals. Some scientists believe that he is responsible for the Salem witch trials, or at least part of them. Now all corn is tested for aflatoxins and destroyed if there is too much of it.

Hand sanitizers and counter cleaners, even organic ones, contain compounds that kill germs. This helps keep our homes safe. However, anything that kills germs is a germicide, a type of pesticide. These products must be handled accordingly.

I am not arguing that pesticides should be used indiscriminately. They should be used with caution and care. DDT and Agent Orange are testimony to this. At the same time, knee-jerk reactions to a substance without understanding what the label on it means are also not justified. Thinking about the risks and benefits is the most reasonable course of action. The result may vary for different people in different situations.

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