3 mins read

Run Your Car On Water: Is It Really That Simple?

“Can my car really run on water?” It is a very common question these days. With oil prices reaching over $140 a barrel, many people are wondering how they can increase the fuel efficiency of their vehicles. Oil prices are not only affecting our car wallets, but also food, household items, etc. because everything is delivered in trucks, trains or ships that require fuel to run. So can you really run your car on water? Yes you can, more or less. In this article, I’ll show you how to save gas by running a car on water and explain how easy and inexpensive it is to convert your car to run on water, saving you hundreds of dollars that would otherwise go to the oil companies. .

The term “run your car on water” is a bit misleading. This implies that you are only going to put water from your hose into your gas tank. Please don’t put water in your gas tank or your engine won’t work. To run your car on water requires a chemical process that actually separates the water (H2O) into its individual attributes and extracts what is called HHO or better known as Brown Gas or Oxyhydrogen. This sounds really complicated, but the process of converting water to HHO to allow your car to “run on water” is quite simple.

Think about your current engine for a minute, a typical engine burns a mixture of gasoline and air (hydrogen and oxygen). Currently, engines only burn about 20% of the gasoline, and the rest goes out the exhaust pipe. Without the oxygen in the mix, that 20% would be reduced. Therefore, the process of blending HHO/brown gas with your gasoline increases fuel efficiency by 10% to 75%, which correlates with a significant increase in gas mileage.

Converting your car to run on water or HHO will not only save you money, it’s much better for the environment. This process helps your engine burn gasoline more efficiently and with fewer combustion byproducts (the stuff that harms the atmosphere). The byproduct of water splitting is hydrogen and oxygen, which is what we breathe.

To convert your car to run on water requires $75-$100 worth of parts that can be purchased at any hardware store, baking soda, water, and good instructions. You don’t really need to know how an engine works, just knowing how to read an instruction book and some mechanical skills like using a screwdriver or wrench. If you’re afraid of getting your hands dirty, I’d advise against doing it, but otherwise it’s not a complicated process.

I can hear you now, “if it’s so easy to run your car on water, why don’t more people do it?” The truth is, most people have the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” attitude. For years, gas was very affordable and readily available. It has only been the last year that gas has begun to seriously affect the pocketbook of the average person. The other reason is purely political. The oil companies have so much power around the world that they go to great lengths to discourage (or should I say, not encourage) research into alternative fuels, such as wind, solar, and water.

The point of my article is to show you that you have alternatives to spending $4-5 per gallon on gas. The economy is affecting us all and everything we can do to help the environment and ourselves will be beneficial to all.

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