4 mins read

The invisible secret of health wealth improves life

What really controls our life destiny?

The three common things that most people believe are holding them back are:

(1) It seems that there is never enough time.

(2) Even by doing things more efficiently or hiring people to help, circumstances seem to get in the way.

(3) The inconsistency seems to hinder the stability required for sustained success.

The three things above are just the result of much deeper internal programming within us.

We are largely unaware of this deep programming that actually governs our lives and determines everything.

The key is that our subconscious mind has only one job: to keep us safe! This is always accomplished in the same three ways:

1. It is safer for our subconscious mind to keep doing what we have always done and are doing right now. Our emotions have become comfortable (using us) to be the way we are now, to be the way we always have been, and to be the way we were growing up.

We may have become so used to being unhappy that our emotions and our subconscious keep us that way. We may be unhappy and want to change, but when we find ourselves in a better situation, circumstances somehow mysteriously appear and we regress, seemingly from events beyond our control.

This is simply an emotionally comfortable habit that we have. That’s why people put up with unpleasant situations for endless years, always complaining about how unhappy they are because of those “circumstances.”

2. It is safer for our subconscious mind to block changes. All consequences of change are uncertain. There may be some unexpected side effects, and some aspects of the change may hurt. Our subconscious mind perceives change as too dangerous, too risky to risk.

So our subconscious mind prevents us from changing and we don’t even suspect it! We just think that life is a struggle and difficult or we are just out of luck!

3. Our subconscious wants to protect us from our fears! This is the big one! We are talking about our frivolous fears, those fears that we form for irrational reasons unknown to us, that will not actually harm us. These are not real fears that would actually harm us. These are many false fears formed when we were children and did not realize that some things really had nothing to fear.

Our subconscious mind is directing and organizing our decisions and the people and events we attract to keep us from our false fears. Imagine that our entire life is organized to avoid experiencing a particular fear, a false fear that, in fact, would not harm us at all. Our subconscious mind absorbs 11 million impressions per second, but our conscious mind can only absorb 40 impressions per second.

We can embrace change by attracting people who support us in reaching our goals, realizing that we do not create anything in isolation. Chances are, if we look closely, the people around us are actually reinforcing our current situation. We have to realize that we attract what we think, so we have to pay close attention to what goes through our mind at all times.

Balanced health is achieved by consuming balanced calories with 30% lean organic protein, 40% low-glycemic organic carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, nuts, raw foods, low-glycemic pasta, etc.), and 30% healthy fats containing omega 3 essential fats in each meal.

For optimal health, eating balanced meals every 3-4 hours a day through a combination of premixed meal replacements and low-glycemic complete meals will keep your energy high throughout the day. Eight hours of sleep to restore and repair our bodies, along with drinking half our body weight in ounces of purified water every day and a mix of aerobic and weight-bearing exercises for a minimum of 30 minutes 5 times a week will round out our habits. of health.

The importance of maintaining an optimistic, happy and forward-looking perspective on our life and ourselves should not be overlooked so that our emotions contribute to maintaining good health. For example, fighting or being angry will actually lower the strength of our immune system for hours, leaving us vulnerable to getting sick.

The good news is that we can greatly influence the direction and attraction of our subconscious mind engineers by constantly repeating certain conscious actions and specific thoughts on a daily basis, resulting in the formation of new habits. Then we begin to “mysteriously” attract more and more good things, events, people, etc. we all wish.

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