2 mins read

Traffic accidents and their causes

The rate of traffic accidents is increasing day by day, one of the main factors involved is the carelessness of the driver. Accidents can be avoided if you have a careful attitude when driving. Here are some suggestions to avoid such incidents.

1. Don’t drive once you are under the influence of any drug – Getting behind the wheel once you are under the influence of alcohol or any other drug is not a good idea. I have witnessed a large number of accidents due to this reason.

2. Sleeping while driving: Another reason that causes traffic accidents is that the driver falls asleep. Never drive a long-distance car if you are sleep deprived. If he is tired while driving, stop your car and take a quick nap before getting back on the road.

3. Avoid hitting the object- Once on the road, do not try to turn the wheels, in case some object comes your way. It is better to collide with it than to avoid it, you could save yourself from further loss.

4. Not following the traffic light: When the light turns red, it means you must stop in any condition. Going through the red light could kill you.

5. Turn left when the traffic light is yellow: While cars are going straight ahead, but you have to turn left, and in your haste, you may collide with a car or be hit by other cars. This is another factor that causes accidents.

6. Too close to the car in front: Another common reason for traffic accidents is following the vehicle in front too closely. Chances are if the vehicle in front of you stops, your car will crash into it. This way you will damage your car and also the person you are following so closely. To avoid such a situation, keep a decent amount of distance.

7. Not considering road conditions: People drive fast even on bumpy roads with heavy traffic and pedestrians, which leads to accidents.

8. Not Paying Attention When Changing Lanes – Be sure to always double check when changing lanes. In their haste, people pay no attention to other cars and pedestrians on the road. Stay focused, you can save a precious life.

The reasons given above are some of the major factors that are responsible for the occurrence of accidents. They can only be avoided if we change our attitude towards driving and show some care and responsibility as good citizens. After all, the lives of our loved ones and people on the roads are important, so drive safely the next time you’re on the road.

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