2 mins read

WoW Shaman Macros – The Right Way to Play Your Shaman

The shaman is a very versatile class in World of Warcraft. It can heal, damage and also interrupt very efficiently. But to play so many roles at once, you need to have the right key configuration. Since you will be using a wide variety of abilities and spells, knowing how to use and create some WoW Shaman macros is also very important.

Regardless of the talent setup you choose, you’ll find that there won’t be enough room in your UI to place all of your skills and consumables. Most people try to only put the spells and abilities they use the most on their quick bars. But there’s always a situation where they’ll need the one skill they didn’t get.

With a shaman, these types of situations are very frequent. This is why it is very important to have the correct WoW Shaman macros. What they do is help you save space on your quick bars and also allow you to use abilities much faster. Instead of pressing multiple buttons for explosive damage, you can only press one.

Here is an example of a very good WoW Shaman macro:

/cast Windshear
/cast Purge

As you already know, shamans are also in charge of interrupting the opponents’ spellcasting. The macro you just saw is perfect for that. He will first stop any channeling or casting you are doing, interrupt the target, and cast Purge on them. The best thing about this is that you do all three actions simultaneously with the press of a button. This is why it is so important to have the proper WoW Shaman macros. They make things much easier and make you more efficient.

As I was saying, having macros also means making some much-needed space on your hotbars. Here is a macro that will combine all 4 own weapon enchantments into a single button.

/use [nomod] Windfury weapon; [mod:alt] Stonebiter Weapon; [mod:ctrl] Firetongue Weapon; [mod:shift] Frostmark Weapon

Without a modifier you will cast Windfury Weapon, with Alt pressed you will cast Rockbiter Weapon and so on. So instead of using the slots, you can just use one and still have very quick access to any of your enchantments.

It would be a huge mistake not to use any of those, or any other WoW macros. They just make the game faster for you and also less complicated and demanding. You just need to make sure you find the right WoW Shaman macros.

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