2 mins read

Calorie cycle

Cycling is one of the preferred exercises to burn fat and calories efficiently. It is considered ‘low impact’ as cycling does not put much pressure on the muscles and hamstrings of the extremities that could result in injury. Cycling outdoors is also a place to see breathtaking scenery and meet new people. To effectively burn calories, here are some simple steps to consider:

Hydrate. Water is the key to avoiding dehydration and to burning calories. Because cycling is strenuous exercise, keeping your body hydrated is vital to hitting the longest miles. Water provides the body with the loss of fluids in sweat and induces it to release the energy stored in fats. Plain water would work, but ionized drinks could also be a substitute.

Wear comfortable clothes. Appropriate attractions also play a role in exercise. Light but tight clothing is suggested. Contrary to popular opinion, excess clothing does not promote sweating or burning calories. The heat released by the body would not be freely dispersed in the ambient air and the body would not be able to cool itself efficiently. On the other hand, wearing light clothing would promote better heat dispersion.

Heating and cooling. Like any other exercise, proper warm-up and cool-down procedures are observed. Before riding a bike, warm-up stretches are performed so that the muscles are not strained from sudden activity. After cycling, breathing and cooling exercises are started to relieve muscle aches.

Take a break. Frequent breaks and breaks are essential during cycling. These breaks are opportunities to drink water or eat healthy snacks. Hunger and thirst should not be taken for granted, as the body would not function efficiently without vital fluids and nutrients. Eating during breaks would also prevent overwhelming hunger after exercise.

Have a balanced diet. At the end of the day, to lose weight, exercise is always accompanied by a balanced diet. Eliminating food groups from the diet would be unwise, as this would only fuel your desire for them. Cutting back on fat-inducing foods, like chocolates and sweets, is better than cutting them out of your diet altogether.

Cycling is a good exercise that stimulates many parts of the body. However, this does not mean that once you go a few miles, its effects are apparent. Continuous exercise and a balanced diet are the key to burning those calories.

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